Currently (July), Daily Health Assessment forms are required to be filled out by employees. When quarantine rules permit, the requirements for anyone visiting Brent include:

  • Face masks: No Mask, No Entry.
  • Temperature checks: Those with temperatures = / > 37.5 will be isolated and rechecked after 5 minutes. Individuals with a high temperature will not be permitted on campus.
  • Social distancing: When in line, and whenever in the presence of others, maintain a distance of no less than 1 meter.
  • Disinfectant: A disinfectant doormat is provided before entering the school premises. Sanitation stations are maintained throughout campus.
  • Observe proper respiratory etiquette:
    • Coughing and sneezing into a tissue or into a shirt sleeve if a tissue is not available
    • Disposing of used tissues properly 
    • Disinfecting hands immediately by properly washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer immediately after a cough or sneeze

Self quarantine: Families and students traveling into the country, or otherwise potentially exposed to COVID-19, are requested to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to coming to school.

We are scheduled to begin classes on August 24, 2020.We are currently in negotiations with the Department of Education and the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) and we remain hopeful for an in-person start. Brent Schools will continue to monitor local and national governmental positions, and will make decisions accordingly.
As we did last quarter, Brent will continue to provide high quality learning opportunities for those students who are unable to return to the Philippines for the start of the school year.
Yes, you will be able to enrol your child(ren) from outside the Philippines. Payment for re-enrollment may be done via bank deposit or bank transfer. Please contact Brent’s Registrar ( or Accounting Office ( for assistance.
Yes. This has always been possible. Brent has an office dedicated to assisting families with visa issues. Once new students are accepted, the Admissions Office will discuss about the current visa that the student is holding and will give information and arrange a Brent Visa accordingly. Information needed by applicants regarding our Brent Visa can be found on our website here under Visa Information Tab: Connect With Us.
As the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly evolving, the specific safety measures implemented will depend on the situation at the time of opening. Brent Schools will continue to abide by recommendations of the Department of Health, the Department of Labor, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.
We have been testing out a variety of food service methods with our staff who continue working on campus during the summer months. In addition to masks and frequent disinfecting, there are a variety of options to enhance social distancing such as having students eat in classrooms, encouraging packed lunches, and providing preset meals for pick up.
Fortunately, grades Pre-K to 2 have very small class sizes. Additionally, schedules may be adjusted to keep students primarily in contact with their homeroom class during play time.
We are acutely aware of the many personal and financial difficulties our families are facing during these unprecedented times. As an institution, we are making every effort to adapt and maintain the ability to provide a safe, quality education for our students. There will be no tuition increase for the next school year and no increase in busing rates. This will be our third year without a tuition increase. The last increase was 2% in 2017-2018. Our ability to go a third year without an increase highlights the wise long-term financial planning of Brent’s Board. Brent is in a sound financial position, and by deferring some expenses, we will be able to weather this storm. We recognize many businesses and individuals are experiencing financial distress, and we hope deferring any rate increases will help our families manage these difficult days. Going forward we will continue to look for ways to support our families where we can.
The 2019-2020 Yearbooks are now with the printer. We will notify students and families when they arrive at the school, and will communicate distribution details at that time.