Admission Policies and Procedures

Language Proficiency Requirements

The Standardized Language Proficiency Exam is used for appropriate level placement in the ESL program.

Lower School (Grades 1-5)
There is no minimum level of proficiency in English required, but the department is discouraged from admitting basic beginners in Grades 1 to 5.

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
To be able to enter Grades 6 and 7, a student must demonstrate at least a low-intermediate level of language proficiency to be placed in ESL 1 for admission.

NESB students entering Grade 6, who are in ESL 3 at the end of 5th Grade or entering new, is automatically placed in the ESL Program.

ESL 8th Grade students entering in the 1st semester must demonstrate an intermediate level of language proficiency to be placed in ESL 2 for admission. However, when entering in the 2nd semester, 8th Grade students must demonstrate an intermediate skill ESL 3 level in order to be admitted.

Second Language Learners in Lower have different language needs. They are concerned about their oral communication skills.

Upper School (Grades 9-10)
The Upper School is composed of ESL 3 and ESL 4 only. Students from a Non-English Speaking Background entering Grade 9 must at least be in level 3 in the 1st semester. However, students entering in the 2nd semester have to demonstrate high to advance language proficiency skills in order to be placed in ESL 4 upon admission.

Moreover, a student from a Non-English Speaking Background entering Grade 10 must demonstrate an advance skill level in order to enter as a mainstream. No ESL student is accepted in Grade 10.

Special Case: Kindergarten
The Department does not place any Kindergarten student in ESL. However, all kindergarten students from NESB take the Standardized Placement Exam for ESL upon entering 1st Grade.

Second Language Learners in Middle and Upper School are focused on acquiring the language required in academic setting, but they still learn the appropriate language in social setting.